Avoid Serious Mistakes With the Help of a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton

by | Aug 21, 2018 | Lawyers

Personal injury cases are often confusing, especially when a victim must also deal with therapy, medical treatment, time away from work, and other expenses. Most victims have no personal injury experience, which makes them more likely to make serious mistakes that jeopardize their cases. However, with help from a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton, mistakes such as these are easily avoided.

Failure to Follow Doctor’s Orders

One of the things that may harm a personal injury claim is non-compliance with doctor’s orders and follow-up care recommendations. Insurers are all too quick to use treatment gaps against plaintiffs. They allege that, because there’s a gap, the injury may have another cause.

Providing Recorded Statements

Many assume that insurers will be sympathetic and understanding, but it’s usually the opposite. Insurance companies aren’t there to help victims; they’re there to protect investors’ interests and minimize payouts as much as possible. There’s no good reason for a victim to provide a recorded statement to the defendant’s insurance company, but in most cases, that’s the first thing they’ll request.

Settling Early

Many plaintiffs sell themselves short when the other person’s insurer encourages them to settle before treatment is complete. Treatments and injuries often ebb and flow and a plaintiff may believe they’re fine, settle the case, and later discover that they have continuing issues. In such cases, settling early leaves the victim with no further recourse.

Filing a Claim Without a Lawyer’s Help

Another significant mistake plaintiffs make attempting to litigate these claims without assistance. Insurance companies have dedicated legal teams as well as adjusters who protect their interests. These cases are quite adversarial, and when plaintiffs hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton, the playing field is made more level.

Always Work With an Attorney, Regardless of the Severity of the Case

Maybe a victim has a valid claim, and maybe they don’t. It’s very hard to tell without consulting an attorney. Clients need an experienced injury lawyer to educate them, counsel them, and ensure they know what can and can’t be pursued. Browse our website for more details or call today to schedule a consultation.

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