Common Procedures That Are Part of Cosmetic Dentistry in Baltimore

by | Jun 9, 2014 | Dentistry

Everyone loves having a perfect smile. However, there are certain things, some beyond people’s control that interfere with having perfect teeth. The great news is that, with the new inventions in medicine, it is possible to correct almost all types of oral deformities through cosmetic dentistry in Baltimore. Below are some of the common procedures that cosmetic dentists offer.

Teeth whitening

There are several things that cause tooth discoloration or staining:

* Lifestyle choices such as smoking

* Poor dental hygiene

* Excessive use of fluoride

* Drinking too many dark colored drinks

Teeth whitening procedures depend on the extent of the staining. For a little discoloration, the dentist may recommend whitening toothpaste. This will be effective, but it will take up to four weeks for any change to be noted.

The other alternative is having a dentist do the cleaning. This will take one or two visit to the dentists. They use techniques such as invisible light as well as micro-abrasions to deal with the problem.

Dental implants

These are artificial structures that are made of titanium being inserted into the jaw to represent tooth root. The implants are the given time to get integrated to the bone. After this, the process of suturing and attaching the crowns is carried out. The implants are a great way of replacing teeth that have been lost.

Veneers and bonding

These are procedures that are carried out to deal with teeth that are broken, chipped or fractured. The procedure of bonding involves using a plastic resin that resembles the tooth to add to the tooth using a special light. This fills the cracks and broken parts. Veneers on the other hand are used when teeth are stained beyond cleaning up. They cover the surface of the tooth and hide all the flaws on the tooth.

Other procedures include the use of Invisalign to deal with teeth that are crooked. Invisalign is better than dental wires because the caps that are used to move the teeth into position are practically invisible.

These are services that are dealt with by cosmetic dentistry in Baltimore.

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