Tips for Preventing Brown Recluse Spiders in Wichita, Kansas

by | Apr 9, 2014 | Pest Control

After seeing any Brown recluse spiders Wichita Kansas residents may be tempted to just move out of their homes. The little, but very scary, arachnids have a very bad and often undeserved reputation of being deadly. While you do need to call in Patton Termite & Pest control, if you think that you have a brown recluse infestation, they are not as dangerous as the stories make them out to be. With that being said, below you will find some tips for preventing these spiders from congregating outside of your home, or making their way inside to terrorize your family.

Prevention for Outdoors

*   The first thing you will want to do is remove all rubbish and trash from your yard. This includes boxes, tires, plywood, and anything else that the spiders can make a web and hide in.

  Keep the home free of tall weeds, grass, or shrubs, especially near the foundation of the home.

*   To prevent yourself from being bitten, wear gloves and shoes when you are working outside. While these spiders do not attack people, they will bite if they feel threatened.

  Make sure and check all items that you bring indoors, for webs, sacks, or the actual spiders themselves. It is best to keep all gloves and accessories in sealed Ziploc bags to keep the spiders from crawling inside.

Prevention for Indoors

*   Keep all of your beds away from the wall, as the spiders can crawl down the wall and hide in them.

*   Never store boxes under your bed.

*   Do not let your dust ruffles or bed skirts hang down on the floor.

  Never store shoes or bed linens on the floor of closets. Always make sure to shake everything before you put it on, or put it on your bed.

*   Store any sports equipment in tightly sealed bags, such as skates, gloves or ski boots.

When looking to prevent Brown recluse spiders Wichita Kansas residents should follow the tips above and make sure to call in pest control if they suspect they might have a brown recluse infestation. While these spiders are not near as dangerous as the stories would have people believe, you don’t want them living in your home.

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