What Can Survey Field Software Offer Your Company?

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Business

If you’re involved in the business of land surveying, you have probably already heard of survey field software. It is used all over the industry, and for a good reason: it’s much more convenient than trying to carry out your daily tasks without it! There are a lot of small tasks involved in land surveying that, with the help of survey field software, can become much more streamlined. Keep reading to learn just how survey field software can make your job easier.

Simpler Project Modeling

Do you ever wish you could sketch up the linework for your project with just the push of a button? That’s entirely possible with survey field software! A large part of your duties involves not just making measurements but planning on a visual and logistical level as well. Survey field software can essentially allow you to draw out a model right there on the field. This makes it much easier to manage a project and plan it out more efficiently from start to end.

Intuitive Streamlining

Survey field software is often multipurpose, letting you switch between the various aspects your job entails at the press of a thumb. Take, for instance, the measuring process. Survey field software can collect all of the information you gather automatically, storing it for you for later use. Alternatively, it can even send it back to your office so the rest of the team can start working with it immediately. Furthermore, everything is organized, so it is easy to read and decipher. The majority of survey field software allows you to set up your own character keys for your information, so you and your team can tell what’s what. You can also access the tools you need in an instant by switching back and forth between functions and apps. This is what allows you to transform your data into a workable model.

The Must List

